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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - spindle


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Перевод с английского языка spindle на русский


1) шпиндель; вал, валик; ось

2) пиноль

3) стержень; палец

4) шейка вала; цапфа

5) микрометрический винт; измерительный наконечник (напр. индикатора)

6) ходовой винт

7) вращающийся центр

AC spindleAC acting spindleAC variable frequency spindleadapter spindleadd-on spindleadjusting spindleair-bearing spindleair-operated spindleangularly offset spindlearticulated spindleattachment spindleautomatic locking spindleautomatic shank spindleautomatic swivel spindleauxiliary spindleaxle spindleback spindleback turning spindlebackwork spindleback end working spindleball-bearing spindlebar spindlebar-type spindlebelt spindlebelted spindleBODTM spindlebored spindleboring spindlebrake spindlecartridge spindlecartridge-type spindlecartridge motorized spindlecartridge-type motorized spindleC axis spindlecenter facing spindlecentering spindleceramic ball-bearing spindlechuck spindlecoarse-thread spindlecollet spindlecollet-chucking spindlecontrol spindlecopy spindlecounterboring spindlecounter headstock spindlecross spindlecutter spindlecutting spindleDC spindleDC acting spindledead spindlediamond spindlediamond grinding spindledouble sliding spindledressing spindledrill spindledrilling spindledrive spindledual spindleselectric spindleelectrical spindleelectric high-speed spindleface grinding spindlefacing spindlefast-tool-swapping spindlefeed spindlefeed-out spindlefine-tuned spindlefinish milling spindlefixed spindleflooded coolant spindlefootstock spindleforce-sensing spindlefront spindlegang spindlegrease-packed spindlegrinding spindlegrinding wheel spindleground spindleguide spindleHF spindlehigh-frequency spindlehigh-frequency internal grinding spindlehigh-speed spindlehigh-torque spindlehollow spindlehollow-shank spindlehollow bore spindlehydrostatic spindlehydrostatically controlled spindleinclinable spindleindex spindleindexable spindleindex-head spindleinduced coolant spindle50 INT spindleintegral-motor spindleintermediate spindleinternal grinding spindleinternal hole grinding spindleISO 30 spindleISO 40 spindleISO 50 spindleknuckle spindlelathe spindlelifting spindlelimited rotation spindlelinearly moving spindleliquid-cooled spindlelive spindlemain spindlemill spindlemilling spindlemilling, drilling and boring spindlemotor spindlemotorized spindlenutating spindleoil turbine spindleopposite spindleoutput spindlepick-off spindlepick-up spindleplanetary spindlepneumatic spindlepreload ball-bearing spindleprogrammable speed spindlepump spindlequill spindlequill-mounted spindleram-type spindlerear spindlerefrigerated spindleright-angle spindleroller bearing spindlerotary axis controlled spindlerough milling spindlerouter spindlerouting spindlescrew spindlescrewed spindlesecondary spindlesecond-op spindlesecond pick-up spindlesecond right hand spindlesliding spindlesliding head spindlesmooth-running spindlespeeding spindlesplined spindlesteep-taper spindlesubsidiary spindlesupport spindlesurfacing wheel spindlesuspension spindleswing spindleswing-away spindlesynchronous pick-off spindletailstock spindle30-taper spindletapered spindletaper shank spindletapping spindletelescopic spindletemperature-controlled spindletest spindlethreaded spindlethree-range spindletiltable spindletilting cutter spindletilting work spindletool spindletool-carrying spindletoolhead spindletool-holding spindletorsionally overloaded spindletouch sensor spindletracer spindletransfer spindletraversing spindleturbine-powered spindleturning spindleturret spindletwin-motor spindletwo-range spindlevalve spindlevariable-frequency spindlevariable frequency controlled spindlevertical live spindlevertical quill spindlevertical to horizontal spindlewheel spindlewide-band spindlewind-up spindlework spindlework-carrying spindleworkhead spindlework-receiving spindlework-supporting spindle

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) веретено  2) amer. иголка для накалывания бумаг  3) мера пряжи  4) стойка перил  5) tech. ось, вал, шпиндель spindle side - женская линия (рода)  2. v. вытягиваться; делаться длинным и тонким ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. текст. веретено, цевка, коклюшка, шпулька dead spindle —- неподвижное веретено spindle oil —- веретенное масло 2. мера пряжи (= 14000 ярдов) 3. длинный и худой человек, "жердь" 4. веретенообразный предмет 5. ам. наколка, штырь или игла для накалывания бумаг 6. тех. ось, вал, шпиндель 7. тех. палец; стержень 8. мор. центральный стержень (составной мачты) 9. ам. стр. колонна или стержень винтовой лестницы 10. ам. стр. стойка перил на концах лестничный маршей 11. насаживать на ось, вал и т. п.; снабжать осью, валом и т. п. 12. накалывать на штырь, на наколку (чеки и т. п.) 13. вытягиваться, делаться длинным и тонким 14. бот. давать длинный стебель или побег 15. редк. плохо развиваться; идти только в рост (также spindle up, spindle upward(s) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  цитол. веретено – aortic spindle – attraction spindle – limbic spindle – maturation spindle – metaphase spindle – muscle spindle – neurotendinal spindle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) валик 2) веретенный 3) веретено 4) веретенообразный 5) ось 6) соединительный валок 7) шпиндель 8) шпиндельный flexibly mounted spindle — подвесное веретено nose of a spindle — конец шпинделя станка spindle bearing plate — веретенный брус spindle cotton picker — шпиндельная хлопкоуборочная машина spindle drive gear — веретенная ведущая шестерня spindle winding machine — веретенная мотальная машина unit-type spindle head — силовая головка - cotton-picking spindle - coupling spindle - double-twist spindle - fixed spindle - float spindle - leading spindle - master spindle - mill spindle - saw spindle - spindle blade - spindle head - spindle nebula - spindle of capstan - spindle oil - spindle slate - spindle slot - spinning spindle - top spindle - turbine spindle - twisting spindle - valve spindle - winding spindle - wood-lathe spindle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  шпиндель ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) шпиндель 2) пиноль; валик; ось 3) стержень; палец 4) шейка вала; цапфа 5) микрометрический винт (микрометра) 6) ходовой винт 7) вращающийся центр 8) деревянный репер (для обозначения на поверхности границ шахты или рудника) 9) текст. веретено 10) мор. баллер - adapter spindle - adjusting spindle - air-bearing spindle - armature spindle - automatic locking spindle - backwork spindle - ball-bearing spindle - belt spindle - bored spindle - boring spindle - brake spindle - capstan spindle - cap-twisting spindle - cartridge-type spindle - cartridge spindle - chuck spindle - collet-chucking spindle - cross spindle - cutter spindle - dead spindle - doubling spindle - drilling spindle - drill spindle - electrical spindle - electric spindle - feed spindle - flyer spindle - footstock spindle - grinding wheel spindle - hollow bore spindle - hollow spindle - index spindle - insulator spindle - lead spindle - lifting spindle - live spindle - main spindle - mill spindle - milling-drilling and boring spindle - pneumatic spindle - programmable-speed spindle - ram-type spindle - right-angle spindle - ring-spinning spindle - roving spindle - rudder spindle - saw spindle - screw spindle - spinning spindle - surfacing wheel spindle - tailstock spindle - temperature-controlled spindle - tool-carrying spindle - tube spindle - turret spindle - twisting spindle - two-for-one-twist spindle - valve spindle - wheel spindle - wobbler spindle - work spindle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a pin in a spinning-wheel used for twisting and winding the thread. b a small bar with tapered ends used for the same purpose in hand-spinning. c a pin bearing the bobbin of a spinning-machine. 2 a pin or axis that revolves or on which something revolves. 3 a turned piece of wood used as a banister, chair leg, etc. 4 Biol. a spindle-shaped mass of microtubules formed when a cell divides. 5 a varying measure of length for yarn. 6 a slender person or thing. --v.intr. have, or grow into, a long slender form. Phrases and idioms spindle berry the fruit of the spindle tree. spindle-shanked having long thin legs. spindle-shanks a person with such legs. spindle-shaped having a circular cross-section and tapering towards each end. spindle side = distaff side. spindle tree any shrub or small tree of the genus Euonymus, esp. E. europaeus with greenish-white flowers, pink or red berries, and hard wood used for spindles. Etymology: OE spinel (as SPIN) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English spindel, from Old English spinel; akin to Old English spinnan to spin  Date: 12th century  1.  a. a round stick with tapered ends used to form and twist the yarn in hand spinning  b. the long slender pin by which the thread is twisted in a spinning wheel  c. any of various rods or pins holding a bobbin in a textile machine (as a spinning frame)  d. the pin in a loom shuttle  e. a device usually consisting of a long upright pin in a base on which papers can be stuck for filing — called also ~ file  2. something shaped like a ~: as  a. a ~-shaped network of chiefly microtubular fibers along which the chromosomes are distributed during mitosis and meiosis  b. muscle ~  3.  a. the bar or shaft usually of square section that carries the knobs and actuates the latch or bolt of a lock  b.  (1) a turned often decorative piece (as in a baluster)  (2) newel  c.  (1) a revolving piece especially when thinner than a shaft  (2) a horizontal or vertical axle revolving on pin or pivot ends  d. the part of an axle on which a vehicle wheel turns  II. verb  (~d; spindling)  Date: 1577  intransitive verb  1. to shoot or grow into a long slender stalk  2. to grow to stalk or stem rather than to flower or fruit  transitive verb  1. to impale, thrust, or perforate on the spike of a ~ file  2. to make or equip (as a piece of furniture) with ~s  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a part of a machine shaped like a stick, around which something turns 2 a round pointed stick used for twisting the thread when you are spinning wool ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. spinel, related to spinnan (see spin), with intrusive -d-. Spindly is from 1651. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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